排名 | 139 |
国家 | 美国 |
州省 | 哥伦比亚特区 |
城市 | 华盛顿 |
性质 | 私立,男女合校 |
成立年份 | 1887年 |
宗教信仰 | 天主教 |
校园 | 市区 |
学生人数 | 6,881 |
本科生人数 | 3,480 |
研究生人数 | 3,041 |
师生比 | 1:7 |
国际学生比例 | 5% |
学校分类 | 全国性大学 |
认证机构 | 中部各州学院及学校协会(MSACS) |
网址 | www.cua.edu |
美国天主大学(The Catholic University of America, CUA)是一所中等大小的私立综合性全国大学,成立于1887年,位于美国东部大型城市华盛顿(Washington,DC)。在USNEWS公布的美国大学综合排名中,天主大学排名第121位。该大学也是天主教会成立的唯一一所高等学府。1887年,在教宗利奥十三世的批准下,美国天主大学正式创校,初设研究所与研究中心。1904年开始第一批本科招生计划。
1.Catholic University's future is looking so bright right about now. With plans to build additional residence halls and collaborative efforts to improve the city, a new generation of CUA students will benefit from what alumni once only dreamED about.
2.The teachers genuinely care for and interact with their students-or at least they pretend to.
3.The Metro is so close to the campus, giving students an incrEDible advantage when it comes to mobility.
4.Because of its proud Catholic identity, the campus is crowdED with priests and theologians ready to answer anyone's questions on faith and religion. It is also comforting to know that priests are around.
5.How can one not love Washington, DC, with all of the culture and career opportunities available.
6.Who would have thought that the Catholic University of America would have such a great musical theatre and drama department?
7.People here are genuinely sweet, always offering to hold the door for the person behind them, regardless of how far they may actually be from the door.
8.The University organizes mission trips to developing nations around the world, so students can make a difference in so many people's lives.
9.The physical campus is quite beautiful, with green grass and hills, picturesque flowers and gardens, and majestic-looking trees. Every season brings a new kind of beauty.
10.Because the University is not massive or extremely populatED, classroom sizes are generally small.
1.Because the University is the official university of the Roman Catholic Church, the strict adherence to Catholic principles is almost always a prerequisite to speaking on campus.
2.No diversity. It is unfortunate that there is no racial, ethnic, or cultural diversity at CUA.
3.Too often one gets the feeling that students are not getting all the bang for their bucks; after all, tuition costs are nearly $40,000 a year.
4.The residence halls could be a little bigger and more furnishED.
5.The Undergraduate Student Government has earnED the reputation of doing little for students, wasting time trying to free themselves from the webs of rED tape they helpED create.
6.The Department of Public Safety has left plenty of room for improvement.
7.The immEDiate location provides little outside entertainment for students, forcing them to make their own on-campus fun or take the Metro to a better place.
8.Though this is mostly standard with every university, it bears a statement: no pets allowED.
9.Not many famous people come to campus, unlike so many other colleges.
10.The quality of food could afford to improve just a little bit, for the sake of healthy nourishment.
The Catholic University of America Wikipedia
Catholic University of America College Prowler
National University Rankings USNEWS Ranking
At a Glance CUA
Catholic University of America College Board
USNEWS排名 | 139 | 学费(/年) | $42,536 | 申请截止日期 | 1月15日 |
TOEFL要求 | 80 | 食宿(/年) | $13,820 | 开学时间 | 8月-9月 |
IELTS要求 | 6.5 | 申请费 | $55 | 可申请学期 | 秋季、春季 |
SAT要求 | 1520-1830 | 录取率 | 79% | 奖学金形式 | Merit-based |
GPA均分 | 3.2 | 申请人数 | 5,991 | 是否提供双录取 | No |
(2)美国天主大学要求国际学生递交SAT/ACT成绩。SAT单项要求:阅读成绩要求不低于510分,数学成绩要求不低于500分,写作要求不低于510分;ACT综合成绩要求不低于22分。准备申请艺术与科学学院或哲学院的学生要求提供SAT II学科成绩。被录取的学生SAT均分范围:SAT阅读510-620,SAT数学510-610,SAT写作未详;ACT均分范围22-28
本科生人数 | 3,480 | 小班比例(<20) | 58.4% | 学期制度 | Semseter |
研究生人数 | 3,041 | 中班比例(20-49) | 37.4% | 教授水平满意度 | 88% |
国际学生比例 | 5% | 大班比例(>50) | 4.2% | 就业实习满意度 | 58% |
师生比 | 1:7 | 六年毕业率 | 69% | 课业轻松程度 | – |
四年毕业率 | 62% | 新生保持率 | 86% | 教师博士学位比例 | 95% |
毕业2年平均薪水 | $42,600 | 就业率 | 67% | 校友网络认可度 | 95% |
校园安全事件 | Criminal Offenses — On-Campus | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 |
谋杀 | Murder/Non-negligent manslaughter | 0 | 0 | 0 |
过失杀人 | Negligent manslaughter | 0 | 0 | 0 |
强奸 | Rape | N/A | N/A | 5 |
乱伦 | Incest | N/A | N/A | 0 |
强奸幼童罪 | Statutory Rape | N/A | N/A | 0 |
猥亵 | Fondling | N/A | N/A | 0 |
性侵犯-强迫 | Sex offenses – Forcible | 4 | 1 | N/A |
性侵犯-非强迫 | Sex offenses – non-forcible (incest and statutory rape only) | 0 | 0 | N/A |
抢劫 | Robbery | 1 | 0 | 2 |
暴力袭击 | Aggravated assault | 0 | 0 | 1 |
盗窃 | Burglary | 4 | 11 | 11 |
汽车盗窃 | Motor vehicle theft | 1 | 1 | 1 |
纵火 | Arson | 0 | 0 | 0 |
GPA | 班级排名 | ||
分段 | 占比 | 分段 | 占比 |
3.75以上 | 28% | TOP10% | |
3.5-3.74 | 21% | TOP25% | |
3.25-3.49 | 17% | TOP50% | |
3.0-3.24 | 14% | 50%以下 | |
2.50-2.99 | 15% | 75%以下 | |
2.49以下 | 5% |
- 在线或纸质申请表
- 申请费:55美元
- 中学或大学成绩单:成绩单需通过WES公证
- 标准化考试成绩:SAT/ACT
- 1封教师推荐信
- 资金证明
- 面试
支出项目 | 项目英文名 | -2020学年费用 |
学费 | Tuition and fees | $42,536 |
住宿费用 | Room and board | $13,820 |
书本费 | Books and supplies | $838 |
个人花费 | Estimated personal expenses | $2,070 |
交通费 | Transportation expenses | $1,198 |
合计 | Estimated Total | $60,462 |
TOEFL要求 | 80 | GPA要求 | – | 申请截止日期 | 6月1日 |
IELTS要求 | 6.5 | SAT要求 | Not Required | 开学时间 | 8月-9月 |
最高可转学分 | 60 | 最低学分要求 | 12 | 可申请学期 | 秋季、春季 |
申请人数 | 419 | 录取人数 | 155 | 录取率 | 36% |
Mailing Address:
The Catholic University of America
Office of Undergraduate Admissions
620 Michigan Ave, NE
Washington, DC 20064
Campus Address:
McMahon Hall, Room 102
Email: cua-admissions@cua.edu
Phone: 202.319.5305
Toll-Free: 800.673.2772
Fax: 202.319.6533
专业名称 | 专业英文名 |
建筑 | Architecture |
人类学 | Anthropology |
艺术史 | Art History |
艺术工作室 | Art Studio |
生物化学 | Biochemistry |
生物学 | Biology |
物理化学 | Chemical Physics |
化学 | Chemistry |
古典文明 | Classical Civilization |
古典人文科学 | Classical Humanities |
希腊语和拉丁语 | Classics-Greek and Latin |
戏剧 | Drama |
教育学 | Education |
早期教育 | Early Childhood |
初等教育 | Elementary |
中等教育 | Secondary |
教育研究 | Education Studies (non-teaching) |
英语语言文学 | English Language and Literature |
环境化学 | Environmental Chemistry |
法语 | French |
德语 | German |
历史 | History |
意大利语研究 | Italian Studies |
数学 | Mathematics |
媒体研究 | Media Studies |
中世纪拜占庭研究 | Medieval and Byzantine Studies |
哲学 | Philosophy |
物理 | Physics |
政治 | Politics |
心理学 | Psychology |
社会学 | Sociology |
西班牙语 | Spanish |
神学和宗教研究 | Theology and Religious Studies |
会计 | Accounting |
经济学 | Economics |
金融 | Finance |
国际贸易 | International Business |
国际经济与金融学荣誉 | International Economics and Finance- Honors |
管理 | Management |
市场营销 | Marketing |
生物医学 | Biomedical |
计算机科学 | Computer Science |
电气工程 | Electrical Engineering |
机械工程 | MechanicalEngineering |
音乐 | General Music |
乐器演奏 | Performance |
音乐史与文学 | Music History and Literature |
钢琴伴奏 | Collaborative Piano |
编曲 | Composition |
音乐教育 | Music Education |
合唱音乐教育 | General-Choral Music Education |
器乐教育 | Instrumental Music Education |
合唱和器乐教育 | Combined General-Choral and Instrumental Music Education |
管弦乐 | Instrumental Music Education/Orchestral |
音乐剧 | Musical Theater |
音乐表演 | Performance |
管弦乐器 | Orchestral Instruments |
钢琴 | Piano |
声乐 | Voice |
钢琴教学 | Piano Pedagogy |
护理 | Nursing |
哲学 | Philosophy |
法学预科 | Pre-Law |
社会工作 | Social Work |
牙医预科 | Dental |
医学预科 | Medicine |
兽医预科 | Veterinary |
信息技术 | Information Technology |
跨学科研究 | Interdisciplinary Studies |
国际学生申请指南:International Student Guide to CUA (PDF)
National University Rankings USNEWS Ranking
Annual College Costs (Fall 2014) College Board
Admission Requirements CUA
CUA: Applying College Board
English Language Proficiency CUA
Standardized Tests College Prowler
On Line Application Freshman Checklist CUA
Important Dates for Freshman Candidates CUA
At a Glance CUA
The Catholic University of America USNEWS
Majors and Learning Environment College Board
Catholic University of America College Prowler
Estimated Cost of Attendance (COA) CUA
Financial Aid CUA
Transfer Students CUA
Contact Us CUA
Undergraduate Offerings CUA
- 建筑与规划学院(School of Architecture and Planning)
- 文理学院(School of Arts & Sciences)
- 商学院(School of Business and Economics)
- 教规学院(School of Canon Law)
- 工程学院(School of Engineering)
- 法学院(Columbus School of Law)
- 专业研究学院(Metropolitan School of Professional Studies)
- 音乐学院(Benjamin T. Rome School of Music)
- 护理学院(School of Nursing)
- 哲学学院(School of Philosophy)
- 社会服务学院(National Catholic School of Social Service)
- 宗教与神学院(School of Theology and Religious Studies)
注:教规法(Canon Law)是专门研究、制定和管理与教会相关的一切行为的法律规范。
- 学位要求:正规大学本科毕业并取得学士学位
- GPA要求:无具体要求
- 语言要求:TOEFL要求不低于80分,单项均不低于20分;IELTS要求不低于6.5分,无单项要求。
- GRE要求:所有项目均需要有GRE成绩,部分商科项目可使用GMAT代替GRE成绩
- 在线申请表,通过学校官网申请
- 申请费:60美元
- 正式成绩单
- 毕业证明
- 3封推荐信
- 资金证明
- 其它材料:个人陈述、个人作品、个人简历、面试等部分专业可能会需要。一般而言,建筑类专业可能会要求递交个人作品,大多数专业均会要求递交个人陈述,音乐学院要求学生视镜等。
Estimate Full-Time Cost of Attendance | On Campus | Off Campus |
Tuition (Base Allowance) | $40,200 | $40,200 |
Fee (Activity) Allowance | $400 | $400 |
Room and Board Allowance | $15,902 | N/A |
Direct Costs | $56,502 | $40,600 |
Off-Campus Room Allowance | N/A | $15,902 |
Books Allowance | $1,480 | $1,480 |
Personal Allowance | $3,072 | $3,072 |
Transportation Allowance | $1,000 | $1,000 |
Estimated Loan Fees (if pursuing loans) | $1,072 | $1,072 |
Indirect Costs4 | $6,624 | $22,526 |
Total Cost | $63,126 | $63,126 |
Mailing Address:
The Catholic University of America
Graduate Admissions
620 Michigan Ave, NE
Washington, DC 20064
Campus Address:
McMahon Hall, Room 13
Email: cua-gradadmissions@cua.edu
Phone: 202.319.5057
Toll-Free: 800.673.2772
Fax: 202.319.6878
申请材料表格:All Admissions Forms (PDF)
Graduate Programs CUA
Canon law Wikipedia
English Language Proficiency CUA
Admissions at The Catholic University of America CUA
Applying to CUA CUA
Estimated Cost of Attendance (COA) CUA
Contact Us CUA
美国天主大学建筑与规划学院(School of Architecture and Planning)研究生开设有以下学位项目,分别是:
项目名称 | 项目英文名 | 开设学位 |
建筑学 | Architectural Studies | M.Arch |
建筑 | Architecture | M.Arch |
城市与区域规划 | City and Regional Planning | MCRP |
设施管理 | Facilities Management | MS |
可持续发展设计 | Sustainable Design | MS |
Graduate Programs CUA
美国天主大学文理学院(School of Arts & Sciences)研究生开设有以下学位项目,分别是:
项目名称 | 项目英文名 | 开设学位 |
人类学 | Anthropology | MA |
生物学 | Biology | MS PhD |
生物技术 | Biotechnology | MS |
化学教育 | Chemical Education | PhD |
戏剧 | Drama | MA MFA |
早期基督教研究 | Early Christian Studies | MA PhD |
教育 | Education | MA PhD |
英语 | English | MA PhD |
希腊语与拉丁语 | Greek and Latin | MA PhD |
历史 | History | MA PhD |
图书馆和信息科学 | Library and Information Science | MSLIS |
材料科学与工程 | Materials Science and Engineering | MS |
中世纪拜占庭研究 | Medieval and Byzantine Studies | MA PhD |
现代语言与文学 | Modern Languages and Literatures | MA PhD |
物理 | Physics | MS PhD |
政治 | Politics | MA PhD |
心理学 | Psychology | MA PhD |
埃及语言与文学 | Semitic and Egyptian Languages and Literatures | MA PhD |
社会学 | Sociology | MA |
Graduate Programs CUA
美国天主大学商学院(School of Business and Economics)研究生开设有以下学位项目,分别是:
项目名称 | 项目英文名 | 开设学位 |
会计 | Accounting | MS |
商业分析 | Business Analysis | MS |
整合经济发展管理 | Integral Economic Development Management | MA |
国际政治经济学 | International Political Economics | MA |
Graduate Programs CUA
美国天主大学教规学院(School of Canon Law)研究生开设有以下学位项目,分别是:
- JCL: 专业教会法规(Licentiate of Canon Law)博士
- JCD: 教会法规博士(Doctor of Canon Law)
Graduate Programs CUA
美国天主大学工程学院(School of Engineering)研究生开设有以下学位项目,分别是:
项目名称 | 项目英文名 | 开设学位 |
生物医学工程 | Biomedical Engineering | MS PhD |
土木工程 | Civil Engineering | MS PhD |
工程管理 | Engineering Management | MS |
电气工程与计算机科学 | Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | MS PhD |
材料科学工程 | Materials Science and Engineering | MS |
机械工程 | Mechanical Engineering | MS PhD |
Graduate Programs CUA
美国天主大学法学院(Columbus School of Law)研究生开设有以下学位项目,分别是:JD和LLM。
Graduate Programs CUA
美国天主大学专业研究学院(Metropolitan School of Professional Studies)研究生开设有以下学位项目,分别是:
项目名称 | 项目英文名 | 开设学位 |
人力资源管理 | Human Resource Management | MA |
管理学 | Management | MS |
Graduate Programs CUA
美国天主大学音乐学院(Benjamin T. Rome School of Music)研究生开设有以下学位项目,分别是:
项目名称 | 项目英文名 | 开设学位 |
钢琴乐 | Chamber Music Piano | MM DMA |
编曲 | Composition | MM DMA |
音乐学 | Musicology | MA PhD |
管弦乐指挥 | Orchestral Conducting | MM DMA |
管弦乐器 | Orchestral Instruments | MM DMA |
钢琴教学 | Piano Pedagogy | MM DMA |
钢琴演奏 | Piano Performance | MM DMA |
圣乐 | Sacred Music | MM DMA |
声乐伴奏 | Vocal Accompanying | MM DMA |
声乐教学法 | Vocal Pedagogy | MM DMA |
声乐表演 | Vocal Performance | MM DMA |
Graduate Programs CUA
美国天主大学护理学院(School of Nursing)研究生开设有以下学位项目,分别是:
- MSN:护理学硕士
- PhD:护理学博士
- DNP:护理实践博士
Graduate Programs CUA
美国天主大学哲学院(School of Philosophy)研究生只开设有哲学专业,该专业的学位类型包括MA和PhD。
Graduate Programs CUA
美国天主大学社会服务学院(National Catholic School of Social Service)研究生只开设社会工作专业,该专业的学位类型有MSW和PhD。
Graduate Programs CUA
美国天主大学宗教与神学学院(School of Theology and Religious Studies)研究生开设有以下学位项目,分别是:
项目名称 | 项目英文名 | 开设学位 |
圣经研究 | Biblical Studies | MA PhD |
神学史 | Historical Theology | STB STL |
礼仪学 | Liturgical Studies/Sacramental Theology | MA PhD |
伦理学 | Moral Theology/Ethics | MA PhD |
神学史与体系 | Systematic and Historical Theology | MA PhD |
宗教研究 | Religious Education/Catechetics | MA PhD |
西班牙宗教 | Hispanic/Latino Ministry | M.Div |
教牧学 | Pastoral Studies | M.Div |
教会史 | Church History | MA PhD |
宗教与文化 | Religion and Culture | MA PhD |
Graduate Programs CUA