排名 | USNEWS:211 |
国家 | 美国 |
州省 | 佐治亚州 |
城市 | 亚特兰大 |
校训 | Veritas valet et vincent(Latin) |
英译 | Truth is Powerful and Will Conquer |
汉译 | 真理的力量可以征服一切 |
性质 | 公立,男女合校 |
成立年份 | 1913 |
校园 | 0.66km2 市区 |
学生人数 | 32,080 |
本科生人数 | 25,160 |
研究生人数 | 6,920 |
师生比 | 1:22 |
国际学生比例 | 2% |
学校分类 | 全国性大学 |
学校集团 | 佐治亚大学系统 |
认证机构 | 南部学院及学校协会(SACS) |
网址 | www.gsu.edu |
佐治亚州立大学(Georgia State University,或缩写为GSU)是一所大型公立综合性全国大学,成立于1913年,位于美国南部大型城市亚特兰大(Atlanta,GA),提供本科、硕士、博士、文凭课程(Certificate)四种学位类型。
1 Advantageous and fun location in the heart of Atlanta
2 Diversity of the student body
3 Many programs and majors to choose from
4 Entertainment on and off campus; there's always something to do
5 Tons of job and internship opportunities
6 Understanding faculty and staff
7 Impressive student facilities
8 The massive University Library
9 Lots of food options
10 New and up-to-date dormitories
11 Forces you to get acclimated with city streets and major venues
12 Discounted MARTA passes
1 Outsiders committing crimes against students (mostly theft or robbery)
2 The traffic going in and out of the city
3 The lack of school spirit
4 Always having to pay for (expensive) parking
5 Handicap accessibility
6 The panhandlers that make it onto campus
7 Few late-night resources; most everything (food, drink, entertainment) immediately around or on campus has regular business hours
8 The spread-out campus
USNEWS排名 | 211 | 学费(/年) | $28,896 | 申请截止日期 | 3月1日 |
TOEFL要求 | 80 | 住宿费(/年) | $10,972 | 开学时间 | 每年8月-9月 |
IELTS要求 | – | 申请费 | $60 | 可申请学期 | 秋季、春季、夏季 |
SAT均分 | 1040-1250(1600) | 申请人数 | 13,568 | 奖学金形式 | Merit-based |
平均GPA | 3.4 | 录取率 | 58% | 是否提供双录取 | Yes |
本科生人数 | 25,160 | 小班比例(<20) | 18.3% | 学期制度 | Semester |
研究生人数 | 6,920 | 中班比例(20-49) | 64.2% | 教授水平满意度 | 81% |
国际学生比例 | 2% | 大班比例(>50) | 17.5% | 就业实习满意度 | 55% |
师生比 | 1:22 | 六年毕业率 | 54% | 学生满意度 | 78% |
四年毕业率 | 24% | 新生保持率 | 81% | 教授博士学位比率 | 87% |
毕业2年平均薪水 | $32,400 | 就业率 | 53% | 校友网络认可度 | 84% |
校园安全事件 | Criminal Offenses — On-Campus | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 |
谋杀 | Murder/Non-negligent manslaughter | 0 | 0 | 0 |
过失杀人 | Negligent manslaughter | 0 | 0 | 0 |
强奸 | Rape | N/A | N/A | 3 |
乱伦 | Incest | N/A | N/A | 0 |
强奸幼童罪 | Statutory Rape | N/A | N/A | 0 |
猥亵 | Fondling | N/A | N/A | 3 |
性侵犯-强迫 | Sex offenses – Forcible | 8 | 5 | N/A |
性侵犯-非强迫 | Sex offenses – non-forcible (incest and statutory rape only) | 0 | 0 | N/A |
抢劫 | Robbery | 7 | 2 | 2 |
暴力袭击 | Aggravated assault | 3 | 3 | 9 |
盗窃 | Burglary | 4 | 5 | 4 |
汽车盗窃 | Motor vehicle theft | 0 | 7 | 6 |
纵火 | Arson | 0 | 0 | 0 |
GPA | 班级排名 | ||
分段 | 占比 | 分段 | 占比 |
3.75以上 | 19% | TOP10% | 16% |
3.5-3.74 | 24% | TOP25% | 45% |
3.25-3.49 | 23% | TOP50% | 83% |
3.0-3.24 | 21% | 50%以下 | 17% |
2.50-2.99 | 13% | 75%以下 | 2% |
2.49以下 |
支出项目 | 项目英文名 | -2020学年费用 |
学费 | Tuition and fees | $28,896 |
住宿费用 | Room and board | $10,972 |
书本费 | Books and supplies | $1,000 |
个人花费 | Estimated personal expenses | $1,970 |
交通费 | Transportation expenses | $414 |
合计 | Estimated Total | $43,252 |
TOEFL要求 | 80 | GPA要求 | 2.5 | 申请截止日期 | 8月1日 |
IELTS要求 | – | SAT要求 | Not Required | 开学时间 | 8月-9月 |
最高可转学分 | 81 | 最低学分要求 | 30 | 可申请学期 | 秋季、春季、夏季 |
申请人数 | 5,701 | 录取人数 | 3,956 | 录取率 | 69% |
专业名称 | 专业英文名 | 所属学院 | 开设学位 |
刑事司法 | Criminal Justice | Andrew Young School of Policy Studies | BS |
经济学 | Economics | Andrew Young School of Policy Studies | BA、BS |
公共政策 | Public Policy | Andrew Young School of Policy Studies | BS |
社会工作 | Social Work | Andrew Young School of Policy Studies | BSW |
国际经济与现代语言 | International Economics and Modern Languages | Andrew Young School of Policy Studies/College of Arts and Sciences | BA |
临床医疗信息学 | Clinical Health Informatics | Byrdine F. Lewis School of Nursing and Health Professions | BIS |
护理 | Nursing | Byrdine F. Lewis School of Nursing and Health Professions | BS |
营养学 | Nutrition | Byrdine F. Lewis School of Nursing and Health Professions | BS |
呼吸疗法 | Respiratory Therapy | Byrdine F. Lewis School of Nursing and Health Professions | BS |
非裔美国人研究 | African-American Studies | College of Arts and Sciences | BA |
人类学 | Anthropology | College of Arts and Sciences | BA |
应用语言学 | Applied Linguistics | College of Arts and Sciences | BA |
艺术 | Art | College of Arts and Sciences | BA |
艺术教育 | Art Education | College of Arts and Sciences | BFA |
艺术史 | Art History | College of Arts and Sciences | BA |
艺术管理-语音与戏剧 | Arts Administration – Speech/Theatre | College of Arts and Sciences | BIS |
亚洲研究 | Asian Studies | College of Arts and Sciences | BIS |
生物学 | Biology | College of Arts and Sciences | BS |
化学 | Chemistry | College of Arts and Sciences | BS |
古典研究 | Classical Studies | College of Arts and Sciences | BIS |
计算机科学 | Computer Science | College of Arts and Sciences | BS |
英语 | English | College of Arts and Sciences | BA |
环境科学 | Environmental Science | College of Arts and Sciences | BIS |
电影与视频 | Film and Video | College of Arts and Sciences | BA |
法语 | French | College of Arts and Sciences | BA |
游戏设计与开发 | Game Design and Development | College of Arts and Sciences | BIS |
地球科学 | Geosciences | College of Arts and Sciences | BA、BS |
德语 | German | College of Arts and Sciences | BA |
历史 | History | College of Arts and Sciences | BA |
国际问题研究 | International Studies | College of Arts and Sciences | BIS |
意大利研究 | Italian Studies | College of Arts and Sciences | BIS |
新闻学 | Journalism | College of Arts and Sciences | BA |
法律与社会 | Law and Society | College of Arts and Sciences | BIS |
数学 | Mathematics | College of Arts and Sciences | BS |
媒体企业管理 | Media Entrepreneurship | College of Arts and Sciences | BIS |
中东研究 | Middle East Studies | College of Arts and Sciences | BIS |
音乐 | Music | College of Arts and Sciences | BMu |
音乐管理 | Music Management | College of Arts and Sciences | BS |
神经科学 | Neuroscience | College of Arts and Sciences | BS |
哲学 | Philosophy | College of Arts and Sciences | BA、BA、Pre-Law |
物理 | Physics | College of Arts and Sciences | BS |
政治学 | Political Science | College of Arts and Sciences | BA |
心理学 | Psychology | College of Arts and Sciences | BA、BS |
宗教学 | Religious Studies | College of Arts and Sciences | BA |
社会学 | Sociology | College of Arts and Sciences | BA |
西班牙语 | Spanish | College of Arts and Sciences | BA |
演讲 | Speech | College of Arts and Sciences | BA |
工作室艺术 | Studio | College of Arts and Sciences | BA |
戏剧 | Theater | College of Arts and Sciences | BIS |
女性、性别与性研究 | Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies | College of Arts and Sciences | BA |
早期教育 | Early Childhood Education | College of Education and Human Development | BSEd |
运动科学 | Exercise Science | College of Education and Human Development | BS |
健康与体育 | Health and Physical Education | College of Education and Human Development | BSEd |
人类学习与发展 | Human Learning and Development | College of Education and Human Development | BIS |
中学教育 | Middle Level Education | College of Education and Human Development | BSEd |
特殊教育-聋哑教育 | Special Education – Deaf Education | College of Education and Human Development | BSEd |
会计 | Accounting | J. Mack Robinson College of Business | BBA |
精算学 | Actuarial Science | J. Mack Robinson College of Business | BBA |
商业经济 | Business Economics | J. Mack Robinson College of Business | BBA |
计算机信息系统 | Computer Information Systems | J. Mack Robinson College of Business | BBA |
金融 | Finance | J. Mack Robinson College of Business | BBA |
酒店管理 | Hospitality Administration | J. Mack Robinson College of Business | BBA |
管理科学 | Managerial Science | J. Mack Robinson College of Business | BBA |
市场营销 | Marketing | J. Mack Robinson College of Business | BBA |
房地产 | Real Estate | J. Mack Robinson College of Business | BBA |
风险管理与保险 | Risk Management and Insurance | J. Mack Robinson College of Business | BBA |
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