排名 | 136 |
国家 | 美国 |
州省 | 弗吉尼亚州 |
城市 | 费尔法克斯 |
性质 | 公立,男女合校 |
成立年份 | 1972 |
宗教信仰 | 无 |
校园 | 3.457Km2,郊区 |
学生人数 | 33,925 |
本科生人数 | 23,062 |
研究生人数 | 10,863 |
师生比 | 1:16 |
国际学生比例 | 5% |
学校分类 | 全国性大学 |
学校集团 | 大西洋十校联盟 |
认证机构 | 南部学院及学校协会(SACS) |
网址 | https://www2.gmu.edu |
乔治梅森大学(George Mason University),简称GMU或MASON,成立于1957年,位于美国弗吉尼亚州费尔法克斯郡,是一所公立大学。目前,共有近32,500名学生,是弗吉尼亚州学生人数最多、规模最大、最多元化和最注重创新的大学。
乔治梅森大学,注重新引人才,在30多年间就有两位诺贝尔经济学奖获得者先后加盟该校:詹姆斯•布坎南(James M.Buchanan)和弗农•史密斯(Vernon L.Smith)。另有三位普利策新闻奖得主在校任教:Roger Wilkins、Martin Sherwin、Steven Pearlstein。乔治梅森大学的杰出人物还包括鲁宾逊教授,普利策奖获得者电子及电气工程师学员会百年纪念奖章获得者。
校训:Freedom and Learning,中译为:自由与学习。
口号:Where Innovation Is Tradition,中译为:在此地,创新是一种传统。
费尔法克斯郡校区(Fairfax Campus)—乔治梅森大学的主校区,占地2.74平方公里,位于弗吉尼亚州费尔法克斯市的南部,西侧距离华盛顿大约24公里的路程。
阿林顿校区(Arlington Campus)—成立于1979年,成立之初是为了法学院授课,1980年,研究生和专业项目的课程也在这个校区开设。
威廉王子校区(Prince William campus)—成立于1997年8月份,占地0.5平方公里。该校区开设的课程偏重高科技和生物科技领域,如:生物信息学、生物工艺学、法医生物科学教育或研究性项目、计算机信息技术。
劳登校区(Loudoun Campus)—成立于2005年秋,位于弗吉尼亚州劳登郡。该校区目前开设几个研究生项目,MBA项目、教育与人类发展学院的硕士和博士学位、护理研究生学位和电信学的理学硕士学位、5个本科专业课程工商管理的副修专业、教育与人类发展学院的文凭课程、健康学的理学学士学位、信息技术的副修专业和社会工作的入门课程。其他研究生阶段课程,如信息与软件工程系开设的课程也在这里授课。
1.The weather in Fairfax is great, students get to experience the best of all four seasons.
2.Mason's proximity to Washington D.C. means there's always something to do on the weekends, plus the city provides great internship and job opportunities for students.
3.Dining-both on and off campus-provides students with plenty of different options no matter what they're in the mood for.
4.Professors at Mason are very knowledgeable about what they teach. Many have had successful careers in the subjects they teach, and some even teach and work part-time in their field.
5.An extensive transportation system exists at Mason to get students pretty much where they want to go around the area. There's a shuttle that takes students directly to the Metro, and one that circles around to area hot spots like Fair Oaks Mall.
6.Since Mason is a fairly new university, the classrooms have features that can't be found on older campuses and there is wireless Internet in a majority of the buildings on campus.
7.Mason is consistently ranked as one of the most diverse universities in the nation, so there's no better place to meet students from different backgrounds and ethnicities.
1.Mason doesn't have a football team and not all students attend basketball games, so there's not as much school spirit as you see at schools with Division I football teams.
3.Mason doesn't have a Greek Row, so unless one's involved in Greek life, getting to parties is tough.
4.The primary freshmen housing area, Presidents Park, is a
5.Students need to beware of leaving their cars parked too long in a time-restricted space. Parking Services will ticket any cars breaking the rules, no questions asked.
6.Campus is pretty dead on the weekends, so most students head off campus to find places to drink or party.
7.Off-campus housing is expensive and commuters are hard pressed to find parking spots when they get to campus. The cheapest option is to live on campus, however there are hardly any parties on campus during the weekends.
George Mason University Wikipedia
George Mason University: The Best & Worst College Prowler
George Mason University USNEWS Ranking
Campus Life: Large School College Board
USNEWS排名 | 136 | 学费(/年) | $34370 | 申请截止日期 | 1月15日 |
TOEFL分数 | 80 | 食宿(/年) | $12028 | 开学时间 | 8月-9月 |
IELTS分数 | 6.5 | 申请费 | $80 | 可申请学期 | 秋季 |
SAT均分 | 1540-1840 | 录取率 | 69% | 奖学金形式 | – |
平均GPA | 3.61 | 申请人数 | 21,981 | 是否提供双录取 | Yes |
本科生人数 | 23,062 | 小班比例(<20) | 29.5% | 学期制度 | Semester |
研究生人数 | 10,863 | 中班比例(20-49) | 57% | 教授水平满意度 | 83% |
国际学生比例 | 5% | 大班比例(>50) | 13.5% | 就业实习满意度 | 58% |
师生比 | 1:16 | 六年毕业率 | 69% | 学生满意度 | – |
四年毕业率 | 46% | 新生保持率 | 87% | 教师博士学位比例 | 90% |
毕业2年平均薪水 | $44,700 | 就业率 | 67% | 校友网络认可度 | 75% |
校园安全事件 | Criminal Offenses — On-Campus | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 |
谋杀 | Murder/Non-negligent manslaughter | 0 | 0 | 0 |
过失杀人 | Negligent manslaughter | 0 | 0 | 0 |
强奸 | Rape | N/A | N/A | 11 |
乱伦 | Incest | N/A | N/A | 0 |
强奸幼童罪 | Statutory Rape | N/A | N/A | 0 |
猥亵 | Fondling | N/A | N/A | 7 |
性侵犯-强迫 | Sex offenses – Forcible | 7 | 9 | N/A |
性侵犯-非强迫 | Sex offenses – non-forcible (incest and statutory rape only) | 0 | 1 | N/A |
抢劫 | Robbery | 1 | 1 | 0 |
暴力袭击 | Aggravated assault | 3 | 2 | 1 |
盗窃 | Burglary | 40 | 11 | 10 |
汽车盗窃 | Motor vehicle theft | 3 | 1 | 1 |
纵火 | Arson | 2 | 1 | 0 |
GPA | 班级排名 | ||
分段 | 占比 | 分段 | 占比 |
3.75以上 | 40% | TOP10% | 21% |
3.5-3.74 | 28% | TOP25% | 56% |
3.25-3.49 | 21% | TOP50% | 92% |
3.0-3.24 | 9% | 50%以下 | 8% |
2.50-2.99 | 2% | 75%以下 | |
2.49以下 |
- 所有申请者需通过Common Application或乔治梅森官网在线提交申请表并支付申请费。
- 申请费:80美金。
- 中学成绩单和毕业证书原件和英文翻译件。
- 资金证明
支出项目 | 项目英文名 | 2020-学年费用 |
学费 | Tuition and fees | $34370 |
住宿费用 | Room and board | $12028 |
书本费 | Books and supplies | $1200 |
个人花费 | Estimated personal expenses | $2262 |
交通费 | Transportation expenses | $1812 |
合计 | Estimated Total | $51672 |
TOEFL要求 | 88 | GPA要求 | 2.0 | 申请截止日期 | 滚动录取 |
IELTS要求 | 6.5 | SAT要求 | Not Required | 开学时间 | 8月-9月 |
最高可转学分 | 90 | 最低可转学分 | 30 | 可申请学期 | 秋季、春季 |
申请人数 | 6,370 | 录取人数 | 3,537 | 录取率 | 55% |
E-mail: admissions@gmu.edu
Phone: 703-993-2400
Fax: 703-993-4622
Mailing Address
Office of Admissions
4400 University Drive, MSN 3A4
Fairfax, Virginia 22030
会计 | Accounting |
广告 | Advertisement |
人类学 | Anthropology |
应用计算机科学 | Applied Computer Science |
应用科学 | Applied Science |
艺术和视觉技术 | Art and Visual Technology |
艺术史 | Art History |
艺术治疗 | Art Therapy |
艺术和文化 | Arts and Culture |
艺术管理 | Arts Management |
天文学 | Astronomy |
运动训练 | Atheletic Training |
生物工程 | Biological Engineering |
生物学 | Biology |
广播 | Broadcasting |
化学 | Chemistry |
儿童和家庭研究 | Child and Family Studies |
中国研究 | Chinese |
土木工程和基础设施工程 | Civil engineering and infrastructure projects |
传播学 | Communication |
社区卫生 | Community Health |
计算和数据科学 | Scientific computing and data |
计算机工程 | Computer Engineering |
电脑游戏设计 | Computer Game Design |
计算机科学 | Computer Science |
冲突分析和解决 | Conflict Analysis and Resolution |
自然环境保护研究 | Conservation Studies |
犯罪学、法律与社会 | Criminology, Law and Society |
舞蹈 | Dance |
地球科学 | Earth Science |
经济学 | Economics |
教育 | Education |
电气工程 | Electrical Engineering |
英语 | English |
环境与可持续发展研究 | Environment and Sustainable Development |
环境科学 | Environmental Science |
运动科学 | Sports Science |
电影及视频 | Film and Video |
金融 | Finance |
外语 | Foreign language |
法医学 | Forensic |
法语 | French language |
地理 | Geography |
地质学 | Geology |
国际事务 | International affairs |
全球环境变化 | Global Environmental Change |
政府和国际政治 | Governments and international politics |
卫生管理 | Health Management |
卫生、健身和休闲资源 | Health, fitness and recreational resources |
保健系统管理 | Health Systems Management |
历史 | History |
信息与社会 | Information and Society |
信息系统和运作管理 | Information Systems and Operations Management |
信息技术 | Information Technology |
整合研究 | Integration Studies |
国际事务 | International affairs |
伊斯兰研究 | Islamic Studies |
日本研究 | Japanese |
新闻学 | Journalism |
拉丁美洲研究 | Latin American Studies |
领导力研究 | Leadership Studies |
法律研究 | Legal Research |
生命科学 | Life Sciences |
管理 | Management |
市场营销 | Marketing |
数学 | Mathematics |
媒体研究 | Media Studies |
医疗技术 | Medical Technology |
音乐 | Music |
神经科学 | Neuroscience |
护理 | Nurse |
运筹学 | Operations Research |
组织管理 | Organization and management |
公园和户外娱乐 | Parks and outdoor recreation |
哲学 | Philosophy |
体育 | Physical education |
物理 | Physics |
政治学 | Political science |
心理学 | Psychology |
公共管理 | Public Administration |
公众和社区活动 | Public and community activities |
公共关系 | Public relations |
宗教研究 | Religious Studies |
俄罗斯和欧亚研究 | Russian and Eurasian Studies |
社会工作 | Social Work |
社会学 | Sociology |
西班牙语 | Spanish |
运动管理 | Sports Management |
可持续发展研究 | Sustainable Development |
系统工程 | Systems Engineering |
戏剧学 | Theater |
康复治疗 | Rehabilitation |
旅游管理 | Tourism Management |
George Mason University USNEWS Ranking
For Interantional Students: Annual College Costs College Board
Standardized Tests Statistics College Prowler
International Brochure Chinese George Mason University
Basic Statistics College Prowler
George Mason University USNEWS
Majors and Learning Environment College Board
George Mason University: The Best & Worst College Prowler
2020- Cost of Attendance George Mason University
For Transfer Students College Board
International Transfer Admission Requirements George Mason University
- 人文和社会科学学院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences)
- 教育和人类发展学院(College of Education and Human Development)
- 新世纪学院(New Century College)
- 健康与人类服务学院(College of Health and Human Services)
- 视觉与表演艺术学院(the College of Visual and Performing Arts)
- 争端分析与解决学院(School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution)
- 库莱斯纳高级研究所(Krasnow Institute for Advanced Study)
- 计算机语言学院(School of Computational Sciences)
- 信息技术与工程学院(Volgenau School of Information Technology and Engineering)
- 法学院(School of Law)
- 公共政策学院(School of Public Policy)
- 理学院(College of Science)
- 管理学院(School of Management)—可授予商科学士学位和MBA、MSA学位。
乔治梅森大学研究生院(Graduate School)规定的基本申请条件如下:
- 正规大学四年制本科毕业并取得学士学位
- GPA要求:不得低于3.0分
- 语言要求:TOEFL要求不低于88分,单项分数要求不低于20;IETS要求不低于6.5分,无单项分数要求;PTE成绩不低于59。
- 完成在线申请表
- 申请费
- 成绩单
- 推荐信:2-3封
- 个人陈述
- 资金证明
E-mail: masongrad@gmu.edu
Phone: 703-993-9700
Fax: 703-993-2392
Mailing Address
Office of Graduate Admissions
4400 University Drive, MSN 3A4
Fairfax, Virginia 22030
研究生费用比率:George Mason University Fall 2014 Graduate Tuition Rates (PDF)
Schools and Colleges George Mason University
Graduate Admissions George Mason University
Frequently Asked QuestionsGeorge Mason University
George Mason Office of Graduate Fellowships George Mason University
乔治梅森大学教育与人类发展学院(College of Education and Human Development)开设有以下学位项目,分别是:
项目名称 | 项目英文名 | 开设学位 |
教育咨询及发展 | Counseling and Development | M.Ed PhD |
社区咨询 | Community Agency Counseling | M.Ed |
学校咨询 | School Counseling | M.Ed |
课程与教学 | Curriculum and Instruction | M.Ed |
特殊教育技术 | Special Education Technology | M.Ed |
早期教育 | Early Childhood Education | M.Ed PhD |
初等数学 | Elementary Mathematics | M.Ed |
法语教育 | Foreign Language French | M.Ed |
西班牙语教育 | Foreign Language Spanish | M.Ed |
资优儿童教育 | Gifted Child Education | M.Ed |
历史教育 | History | M.Ed |
阅读 | Reading Specialist | M.Ed |
数学教育 | Mathematics | M.Ed PhD |
体育教育 | Physical Education | M.Ed |
理学教育 | Science K-12 | M.Ed PhD |
特殊教育 | Special Education | M.Ed PhD |
教师领导 | Teacher Leadership | M.Ed PhD |
初等教育 | Elementary Education | M.Ed |
第二外语 | English as a Second Language | M.Ed |
阿拉伯语(外语) | Foreign Language: Arabic | M.Ed |
汉语(外语) | Foreign Language: Chinese | M.Ed |
法语 (外语) | Foreign Language: French | M.Ed |
德语(外语) | Foreign Language: German | M.Ed |
日语 (外语) | Foreign Language: Japanese | M.Ed |
韩国 (外语) | Foreign Language: Korean | M.Ed |
拉丁语(外语) | Foreign Language: Latin | M.Ed |
西班牙语(外语) | Foreign Language: Spanish | M.Ed |
国际教育 | International Education | M.Ed PhD |
教学设计与技术 | Instructional Design and Technology | M.Ed |
学校整合技术 | Integration of Technology in Schools | M.Ed |
课程与教学 | Curriculum and Instruction | M.Ed |
多语言和多元文化教育 | Multilingual and Multicultural Education | M.Ed PhD |
生物学(中等教育) | Secondary Education: Biology | M.Ed |
化学 (中等教育) | Secondary Education: Chemistry | M.Ed |
地球科学 (中等教育) | Secondary Education: Earth Science | M.Ed |
英语 (中等教育) | Secondary Education: English | M.Ed |
历史、社会科学 (中等教育) | Secondary Education: History/Social Science | M.Ed |
数学 (中等教育) | Secondary Education: Math | M.Ed |
物理 (中等教育) | Secondary Education: Physics | M.Ed |
教育领导 | Education Leadership | M.Ed PhD |
特殊教育领导 | Special Education Leadership | M.Ed |
教育心理学 | Educational Psychology | MS PhD |
评估与测试 | Assessment, Evaluation, Testing | MS |
学习与认知 | Learning, Cognition, and Motivation | MS |
学习和决策领导 | Learning and Decision- Making in Leadership | MS |
师范教育 | Teacher Preparation | MS |
运动训练 | Athletic Training | MS |
运动与健身 | Exercise, Fitness and Health Promotion | MSPhD |
运动及康乐学 | Sport and Recreation Studies | M.Ed |
教育政策 | Education Policy | PhD |
高等教育 | Higher Education | PhD |
学习技术设计研究 | Learning Technologies Design Research | PhD |
识字与阅读 | Literacy and Reading | PhD |
研究方法 | Research Methodology | PhD |
教学与教师教育 | Teaching and Teacher Education | PhD |
College of Education and Human Development: Masters Degrees George Mason University
College of Education and Human Development: PhD Degrees George Mason University
乔治梅森大学卫生与人类服务学院(College of Health and Human Services)开设有以下学位项目,分别是:
项目名称 | 项目英文名 | 开设学位 |
全球卫生学 | Global Health | MS |
公共卫生学 | Public Health | MPH |
卫生服务研究 | Health Services Research | PhD |
卫生与医学政策 | Health and Medical Policy | MS |
卫生体系 | Health Informatics | MS |
卫生系统管理 | Health Systems Management | MHA |
护理 | Nursing | MSN DNP PhD |
营养学 | Nutrition | MS |
康复科学 | Rehabilitation Science | PhD |
社会工作 | Social Work | MSW |
College of Health and Human Services: Degrees George Mason University
乔治梅森大学人类与社会科学学院(College of Humanities and Social Sciences)开设有以下学位项目,分别是:
项目名称 | 项目英文名 | 开设学位 |
人类学 | Anthropology | MA |
应用发展心理学 | Applied Developmental Psychology | MA PhD |
艺术史 | Art History | MA |
临床心理学 | Clinical | PhD |
认知与行为神经科学 | Cognitive and Behavioral Neuroscience | MA PhD |
传播学 | Communication | MA PhD |
计算社会科学 | Computational Social Science | MAIS |
社区学院教育 | Community College Education | DA |
创意写作 | Creative Writing | MFA |
犯罪学、法律与社会 | Criminology, Law and Society | MA PhD |
文化研究 | Cultural Studies | PhD |
经济学 | Economics | MA PhD |
能源与可持续发展 | Energy and Sustainability | MAIS |
英语 | English | MA |
伦理与公共事务 | Ethics and Public Affairs | MA |
小说 | Fiction | MFA |
民俗研究 | Folklore Studies | MAIS |
外语 | Foreign Languages | MA |
法语 | French | MA |
国际事务 | Global Affairs | MA |
高等教育 | Higher Education | MAIS |
历史 | History | MA PhD |
装饰艺术史 | History of Decorative Arts | MA |
应用认知心理学 | Human Factors/Applied Cognition | MA PhD |
工业组织心理学 | Industrial/Organizational Psychology | MA PhD |
语言学 | Linguistics | MA PhD |
英语文学 | Literature | MA |
中东和伊斯兰研究 | Middle East and Islamic Studies | MA |
神经伦理学 | Neuroethics | MAIS |
非小说写作 | Non-Fiction Writing | MFA |
哲学 | Philosophy | MA |
诗歌 | Poetry | MFA |
专业写作与修辞 | Professional Writing and Rhetoric | MA |
心理学 | Psychology | MA PhD |
宗教、文化和价值观 | Religion, Culture, and Values | MAIS |
学校心理学 | School Psychology | MA |
社会企业 | Social Entrepreneurship | MAIS |
社会学 | Sociology | MA PhD |
西班牙语 | Spanish | MA |
西班牙语和法语 | Spanish and French | MA |
西班牙双语与多元文化教育 | Spanish/Bilingual/Multicultural Education | MA |
社会战争与军事 | War and the Military in Society | MAIS |
妇女与性别研究 | Women and Gender Studies | MAIS |
写作与修辞 | Writing and Rhetoric | PhD |
注:社区学院教育(Community College Education)开设的研究生学位是“Doctor of Art, DA”。
College of Humanities and Social Sciences: Degrees George Mason University
乔治梅森大学理学院(College of Science)开设有以下学位项目,分别是:
项目名称 | 项目英文名 | 开设学位 |
应用与工程物理 | Applied and Engineering Physics | MS |
生物信息学和计算生物学 | Bioinformatics and Computational Biology | MS PhD |
生物信息学管理 | Bioinformatics management | MS |
生物学 | Biology | MS |
分子生物学 | Molecular Biology | MSPhD |
微生物学和传染病 | Microbiology and Infectious Disease | MSPhD |
化学与生物化学 | Chemistry and Biochemistry | PhD |
神经科学 | Neuroscience | MS PhD |
系统学和进化生物学 | Systematics and Evolutionary Biology | MS |
生物医学科学 | Biomedical Sciences | MS |
化学 | Chemistry | MS PhD |
计算科学 | Computational Science | MS PhD |
计算科学与信息 | Computational Sciences and Informatics | PhD |
计算社会科学 | computational social science | PhD |
地球系统科学 | Earth Systems Science | MS PhD |
环境科学与政策 | Environmental Science and Policy | MS PhD |
法医学 | Forensic Science | MS |
地理和制图学 | Geographic and Cartographic Sciences | MS |
地理信息和地理空间情报 | Geoinformatics and Geospatial Intelligence | MS |
数学 | Mathematics | MS PhD |
气候动力学 | Climate Dynamics | PhD |
物理 | Physics | PhD |
College of Science: Degrees George Mason University
乔治梅森大学视觉与表演艺术学院(College of Visual and Performing Arts)开设有以下学位项目,分别是:
项目名称 | 项目英文名 | 开设学位 |
艺术 | Art | MFA |
艺术教育 | Art Education | MAT |
平面设计 | Graphic Design | MA |
舞蹈 | Dance | MFA |
音乐 | Music | MM |
音乐艺术 | Musical Arts | DMA |
音乐教育 | Music Education | PhD |
艺术管理 | Arts Management | MA |
计算机游戏设计 | Computer Game Design | MA |
视觉与表演艺术 | Visual and Performing Arts | MFA |
College of Visual and Performing Arts: Degrees George Mason University
乔治梅森大学冲突分析与解决学院(School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution)研究生项目仅开设了冲突分析与解决(Conflict Analysis and Resolution)并提供MS和PhD学位。
School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution: Degrees George Mason University
乔治梅森大学法学院(Law School)开设的法学研究生项目学位包括:JD和LLM。法学下设的项目有:
- 反托拉斯法(Antitrust Law)
- 通讯法(Communications Law)
- 公司与证券法(Corporate and Securities Law)
- 刑法(Criminal Law)
- 国土安全法(Homeland and National Security Law)
- 移民法(Immigration Law)
- 知识产权法(Intellectual Property Law)
- 国际贸易法(International Business Law)
- 法律与经济理论(Legal & Economic Theory)
- 诉讼法(Litigation Law)
- 个人法(Personal Law)
- 法律规范(Regulatory Law)
- 税法(Tax Law)
- 科技法(Technology Law)
Law School: Degrees George Mason University
乔治梅森大学商学院(School of Business)开设有以下学位项目,分别是:
项目名称 | 项目英文名 | 开设学位 |
会计 | Accounting | MBA M.Acc |
商业分析 | Business Analytics | MBA |
企业管理 | Entrepreneurship | MBA |
金融管理 | Financial Management | MBA |
信息系统管理 | Information Systems Management | MBA |
国际贸易 | International Business | MBA |
领导力 | Leadership | MBA |
市场营销 | Marketing | MBA |
项目管理 | Project Management | MBA |
房地产 | Real Estate | MBA MS |
管理学 | Management | MS |
安全信息系统管理 | Management of Secure Information Systems | MS |
技术管理 | Technology Management | MS |
School of Business: Degrees George Mason University
乔治梅森大学政府与国际事务学院(School of Policy, Government, and International Affairs)开设有以下学位项目,分别是:
项目名称 | 项目英文名 | 开设学位 |
公共政策 | Public Policy | MPP PhD |
公共管理 | Public Administration | MPA |
国际贸易与政策 | International Commerce and Policy | MA |
国际安全 | International Security | MA |
政治学 | Political Science | MA PhD |
运输与物流 | Transportation Policy, Operations, & Logistics | MS |
医药保健政策 | Health and Medical Policy | MS |
和平研究 | Science in Peace Operations | MS |
生物技术防御 | Biodefense | MS PhD |
组织发展与管理 | Organization Development & Knowledge Management | MS |
国际和平武装 | Master's International: Peace Corps | MS |
School of Policy, Government, and International Affairs: Degrees George Mason University
乔治梅森大学工程学院(Volgenau School of Engineering)开设有以下学位项目,分别是:
项目名称 | 项目英文名 | 开设学位 |
应用信息技术 | Applied Information Technology | MS,PhD |
生物工程 | Bioengineering | PhD |
生物统计 | Biostatistics | MS |
土木基建工程 | Civil and Infrastructure Engineering | MS, M.Eng,PhD |
岩土、建筑与结构工程 | Geotechnical, Construction, and Structural Engineering | M.Eng,PhD |
计算机科学 | Computer Science | MS,PhD |
计算机信息系统 | Information Systems | MS,PhD |
计算机信息安全与保障 | Information Security & Assurance | MS,PhD |
软件工程 | Software Engineering | MS, M.Eng,PhD |
计算机工程 | Computer Engineering | MS, M.Eng,PhD |
电气工程 | Electrical Engineering | MS, M.Eng,PhD |
通信工程 | Telecommunications | MS,PhD |
计算机取证 | Computer Forensics | MS,PhD |
统计学 | Statistical Science | MS,PhD |
运筹学 | Operations Research | MS,PhD |
系统工程 | Systems Engineering | MS, M.Eng,PhD |
数据分析工程 | Data Analytics Engineering | MS |
数字取证 | Digital Forensics | MS |
Volgenau School of Engineering: Degrees George Mason University