留学专家金融专业解析之 约翰霍普金斯大学
36个学分项目,1年的full time或2年制Part-time,费用full time:66500刀或1330刀每学分—part time
3. Transcripts: course-by-course evaluation
4. Essays2篇:
1). Business with humanity in mind means many things to different people. Please explain what business with humanity in mind means to you and how you will apply your knowledge, skills and abilities to advance this ideal over the next five years. You may elaborate on any past experience you have had which demonstrates your commitment and interest in this area (500 word maximum).
2nd Required Essay – please respond to one of the following essay prompts:
Select 1 prompt in which to respond from list below for the second essay:
1). Business leaders have the ability to create opportunities, build products and systems, and inspire others to action. Please describe a time you created an opportunity, built a new product or system, or inspired others to act. The example you provide and elaborate upon may come from your professional endeavors, academic pursuits or civic engagements. (300-500 words)
2). Please tell us about a major accomplishment you have experienced in your professional or academic life. What did achieving this accomplishment teach you about yourself? (300-500 words).
3). Please identify a tough problem that you are committed to addressing as a future business leader. What role will you play in the solution? What skills and abilities do you have (or might you need to acquire) to tackle this task? (300-500 words)
4). Please provide any additional clarifying information that you wish to share with the Admissions committee regarding your academic record, personal history or professional attributes. (300-500 words).
5). What challenges you the most (i.e. area in need of improvement)? How have you worked to overcome this limitation? (300-500 words)
5.GMAT/GRE scores
Business Foundations (16 credits)
• BU.210.620 Accounting and Financial Reporting
• BU.510.601 Statistical Analysis
• BU.120.601 Business Communication*
• BU.220.610 The Firm and the Macroeconomy
• BU.220.620 Economics for Decision Making
• BU.231.620 Corporate Finance
• BU.232.701 Investments
• BU.131.601 Business Leadership and Human Values
Functional Core (8 credits)
• BU.230.620 Financial Modeling and Valuation
• BU.231.710 Financial Institutions
• BU.232.710 Derivatives
• BU.232.720 Fixed Income
Finance Electives (12 credits)
• BU.230.730 Managing Financial Risk
• BU.233.730 Entrepreneurial Finance
• BU.231.720 Corporate Governance
• BU.210.650 Advanced Financial Accounting
• BU.230.710 Quantitative Financial Analysis
• BU.231.790 Advanced Corporate Finance
• BU.230.750 Financial Crisis and Contagion
• BU.232.750 Advanced Portfolio Management
• BU.510.650 Data Analytics
• BU.231.740 Mergers and Acquisitions
• BU.232.730 Wealth Management
• BU.220.720 Financial Econometrics
• BU.232.650 Continuous Time Finance
• BU.232.790 Advanced Hedge Fund Strategies
约翰霍普金斯大学Carey商学院近两年获AACSB认证,该认证是美国哈佛大学等精英高校主办的认证,资格最老、含金量最高。据估计该项目今后两年申请难度会逐年增加,T100 GMAT700已经满足不了学校的录取要求了,综合排名前30的院校再也没有任何可谓别的保底而言。学校共有三轮申请,越早申请成功率最高而且有得到奖学金的机会(奖学金不用额外申请)